Программирование MAX32620FTHR GPIO

Микроконтроллер MAX32620 имеет 49 контактов общего назначения (в конкретной реализации MAX32620FTHR только 33).

Все основные определения, переключение функций, низкоуровневые операции установлены в файле gpio.h.


 * @file
 * @brief   General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) function prototypes and data types.
/* Define to prevent redundant inclusion */
#ifndef _GPIO_H_
#define _GPIO_H_
/* **** Includes **** */
#include "mxc_config.h"
#include "gpio_regs.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Doxy group definition for this peripheral module
 * @ingroup periphlibs
 * @defgroup gpio General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
 * @{
/* **** Definitions **** */
 * @defgroup gpio_port_pin Port and Pin Definitions
 * @ingroup gpio
 * @{
 * @defgroup gpio_port Port Definitions
 * @ingroup gpio_port_pin
 * @{
#define PORT_0      (0)             /**< Port 0  Define*/
#define PORT_1      (1)             /**< Port 1  Define*/
#define PORT_2      (2)             /**< Port 2  Define*/
#define PORT_3      (3)             /**< Port 3  Define*/
#define PORT_4      (4)             /**< Port 4  Define*/
#define PORT_5      (5)             /**< Port 5  Define*/
#define PORT_6      (6)             /**< Port 6  Define*/
#define PORT_7      (7)             /**< Port 7  Define*/
#define PORT_8      (8)             /**< Port 8  Define*/
#define PORT_9      (9)             /**< Port 9  Define*/
#define PORT_10     (10)            /**< Port 10  Define*/
#define PORT_11     (11)            /**< Port 11  Define*/
#define PORT_12     (12)            /**< Port 12  Define*/
#define PORT_13     (13)            /**< Port 13  Define*/
#define PORT_14     (14)            /**< Port 14  Define*/
#define PORT_15     (15)            /**< Port 15  Define*/
/**@} end of gpio_port group*/
 * @defgroup gpio_pin Pin Definitions
 * @ingroup gpio_port_pin
 * @{
#define PIN_0       (1 << 0)        /**< Pin 0 Define */
#define PIN_1       (1 << 1)        /**< Pin 1 Define */
#define PIN_2       (1 << 2)        /**< Pin 2 Define */
#define PIN_3       (1 << 3)        /**< Pin 3 Define */
#define PIN_4       (1 << 4)        /**< Pin 4 Define */
#define PIN_5       (1 << 5)        /**< Pin 5 Define */
#define PIN_6       (1 << 6)        /**< Pin 6 Define */
#define PIN_7       (1 << 7)        /**< Pin 7 Define */
/**@} end of gpio_pin group */
/**@} end of gpio_port_pin group */
 * Enumeration type for the GPIO Function Type
typedef enum {
    GPIO_FUNC_GPIO  = MXC_V_GPIO_FUNC_SEL_MODE_GPIO,    /**< GPIO Function Selection */
    GPIO_FUNC_PT    = MXC_V_GPIO_FUNC_SEL_MODE_PT,      /**< Pulse Train Function Selection */
    GPIO_FUNC_TMR   = MXC_V_GPIO_FUNC_SEL_MODE_TMR      /**< Timer Function Selection */
 * Enumeration type for the type of GPIO pad on a given pin.  
typedef enum {
    GPIO_PAD_INPUT_PULLUP           = MXC_V_GPIO_OUT_MODE_HIGH_Z_WEAK_PULLUP,       /**< Set pad to high impedance, weak pull-up */
    GPIO_PAD_OPEN_DRAIN             = MXC_V_GPIO_OUT_MODE_OPEN_DRAIN,               /**< Set pad to open-drain with high impedance with input buffer */
    GPIO_PAD_OPEN_DRAIN_PULLUP      = MXC_V_GPIO_OUT_MODE_OPEN_DRAIN_WEAK_PULLUP,   /**< Set pad to open-drain with weak pull-up */
    GPIO_PAD_INPUT                  = MXC_V_GPIO_OUT_MODE_NORMAL_HIGH_Z,            /**< Set pad to high impednace, input buffer enabled */
    GPIO_PAD_NORMAL                 = MXC_V_GPIO_OUT_MODE_NORMAL,                   /**< Set pad to normal drive mode for high an low output */
    GPIO_PAD_SLOW                   = MXC_V_GPIO_OUT_MODE_SLOW_DRIVE,               /**< Set pad to slow drive mode, which is normal mode with negative feedback to slow edge transitions */
    GPIO_PAD_FAST                   = MXC_V_GPIO_OUT_MODE_FAST_DRIVE,               /**< Set pad to fash drive mode, which is normal mode with a transistor drive to drive fast high and low */
    GPIO_PAD_INPUT_PULLDOWN         = MXC_V_GPIO_OUT_MODE_HIGH_Z_WEAK_PULLDOWN,     /**< Set pad to weak pulldown mode */ 
    GPIO_PAD_OPEN_SOURCE            = MXC_V_GPIO_OUT_MODE_OPEN_SOURCE,              /**< Set pad to open source mode, transistor drive to high */
    GPIO_PAD_OPEN_SOURCE_PULLDOWN   = MXC_V_GPIO_OUT_MODE_OPEN_SOURCE_WEAK_PULLDOWN /**< Set pad to open source with weak pulldown mode, transistor drive to high, weak pulldown to GND for low */
} gpio_pad_t;
 * Structure type for configuring a GPIO port.
typedef struct {
    uint32_t port;      /// Index of GPIO port
    uint32_t mask;      /// Pin mask. Multiple bits can be set.
    gpio_func_t func;   /// Function type
    gpio_pad_t pad;     /// Pad type
} gpio_cfg_t;
 * Enumeration type for the interrupt type on a GPIO port. 
typedef enum {
    GPIO_INT_DISABLE        = MXC_V_GPIO_INT_MODE_DISABLE,          /**< Disable interrupts */
    GPIO_INT_FALLING_EDGE   = MXC_V_GPIO_INT_MODE_FALLING_EDGE,     /**< Interrupt on Falling Edge */
    GPIO_INT_RISING_EDGE    = MXC_V_GPIO_INT_MODE_RISING_EDGE,      /**< Interrupt on Rising Edge */
    GPIO_INT_ANY_EDGE       = MXC_V_GPIO_INT_MODE_ANY_EDGE,         /**< Interrupt on Falling or Rising Edge */
    GPIO_INT_LOW_LEVEL      = MXC_V_GPIO_INT_MODE_LOW_LVL,          /**< Interrupt on a low level input detection */
    GPIO_INT_HIGH_LEVEL     = MXC_V_GPIO_INT_MODE_HIGH_LVL          /**< Interrupt on a high level input detection */
} gpio_int_mode_t;
/* **** Function Prototypes **** */
 * @brief      Configure GPIO pin(s).
 * @param      cfg   Pointer to configuration structure describing the pin.
 * @return     #E_NO_ERROR if everything is successful.
int GPIO_Config(const gpio_cfg_t *cfg);
 * @brief      Gets the pin(s) input state.
 * @param      cfg   Pointer to configuration structure describing the pin.
 * @return     The requested pin state.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t GPIO_InGet(const gpio_cfg_t *cfg)
    return (MXC_GPIO->in_val[cfg->port] & cfg->mask);
 * @brief      Sets the pin(s) to a high level output.
 * @param      cfg   Pointer to configuration structure describing the pin.
__STATIC_INLINE void GPIO_OutSet(const gpio_cfg_t *cfg)
    MXC_GPIO->out_val[cfg->port] |= cfg->mask;
 * @brief      Clears the pin(s) to a low level output.
 * @param      cfg   Pointer to configuration structure describing the pin.
__STATIC_INLINE void GPIO_OutClr(const gpio_cfg_t *cfg)
    MXC_GPIO->out_val[cfg->port] &= ~(cfg->mask);
 * @brief      Gets the pin(s) output state.
 * @param      cfg   Pointer to configuration structure describing the pin.
 * @return     The state of the requested pin. 
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t GPIO_OutGet(const gpio_cfg_t *cfg)
    return (MXC_GPIO->out_val[cfg->port] & cfg->mask);
 * @brief      Write the pin(s) to a desired output level.
 * @param      cfg   Pointer to configuration structure describing the pin.
 * @param      val   Desired output level of the pin(s). This will be masked
 *                   with the configuration mask.
__STATIC_INLINE void GPIO_OutPut(const gpio_cfg_t *cfg, uint32_t val)
    MXC_GPIO->out_val[cfg->port] = (MXC_GPIO->out_val[cfg->port] & ~cfg->mask) | (val & cfg->mask);
 * @brief      Toggles the the pin(s) output level.
 * @param      cfg   Pointer to configuration structure describing the pin.
__STATIC_INLINE void GPIO_OutToggle(const gpio_cfg_t *cfg)
    MXC_GPIO->out_val[cfg->port] ^= cfg->mask;
 * @brief      Configure GPIO interrupt(s)
 * @param      cfg   Pointer to configuration structure describing the pin.
 * @param      mode  Requested interrupt mode.
void GPIO_IntConfig(const gpio_cfg_t *cfg, gpio_int_mode_t mode);
 * @brief      Enables the specified GPIO interrupt
 * @param      cfg   Pointer to configuration structure describing the pin.
__STATIC_INLINE void GPIO_IntEnable(const gpio_cfg_t *cfg)
    MXC_GPIO->inten[cfg->port] |= cfg->mask;
 * @brief      Disables the specified GPIO interrupt.
 * @param      cfg   Pointer to configuration structure describing the pin.
__STATIC_INLINE void GPIO_IntDisable(const gpio_cfg_t *cfg)
    MXC_GPIO->inten[cfg->port] &= ~cfg->mask;
 * @brief      Gets the interrupt(s) status on a GPIO pin.
 * @param      cfg   Pointer to configuration structure describing the pin
 *                   for which the status is being requested. 
 * @return     The requested interrupt status.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t GPIO_IntStatus(const gpio_cfg_t *cfg)
    return (MXC_GPIO->intfl[cfg->port] & cfg->mask);
 * @brief      Clears the interrupt(s) status on a GPIO pin.
 * @param      cfg   Pointer to configuration structure describing the pin
 *                   to clear the interrupt state of. 
__STATIC_INLINE void GPIO_IntClr(const gpio_cfg_t *cfg)
    MXC_GPIO->intfl[cfg->port] = cfg->mask;
 * @brief      Type alias for a GPIO callback function with prototype:
 * @code
 *      void callback_fn(void *cbdata);
 * @endcode
 * @param      cbdata  A void pointer to the data type as registered when
 *                     @c GPIO_RegisterCallback() was called.
typedef void (*gpio_callback_fn)(void *cbdata);
 * @brief      Registers a callback for the interrupt on a given port and pin. 
 * @param      cfg       Pointer to configuration structure describing the pin
 * @param      callback  A pointer to a function of type #gpio_callback_fn.
 * @param      cbdata    The parameter to be passed to the callback function, #gpio_callback_fn, when an interrupt occurs. 
void GPIO_RegisterCallback(const gpio_cfg_t *cfg, gpio_callback_fn callback, void *cbdata);
 * @brief      GPIO IRQ Handler. @note If a callback is registered for a given
 *             interrupt, the callback function will be called. 
 * @param      port number of the port that generated the interrupt service routine.  
void GPIO_Handler(unsigned int port);
/**@} end of group gpio */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _GPIO_H_ */


Пример, приведенный ниже, демонстрирует простую установку основных параметров.

// 1. Project - start
// Author:    MagSem
// Data:      21.08.2019
// Details:   Some examples for Arduino       
// uC board:  MAX32620FTHR
// 1. Project - finish
 * @file    
 * @brief   GPIO Example 01
 * @details Config Normal and blink GPIO Port 3 Pin 1
// 2. Includes - start
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "mxc_config.h"
#include "mxc_sys.h"
#include "gpio.h"
#include "MAX32620FTHRM.h"            // MAX32620FTHRM  MagSem Lib
// 2. Includes - finish
// 3. Definitions - start
// 3. Definitions - finish
// 4. Globals - start
uint8_t LED_Status[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
const gpio_cfg_t pin = { PORT_3, PIN_1, GPIO_FUNC_GPIO, GPIO_PAD_NORMAL };
// 4. Globals - finish
// 5. Functions - start
void pin_pulse(void)
// 5. Functions - finish
// 6. SetUp - start
void setup(void)
  // Common SetUp ------------------------------------------------------------->
  // Prepare the User LEDs
  pinMode(MAX32620FTHR_RLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(MAX32620FTHR_GLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(MAX32620FTHR_BLED, OUTPUT);
  // Prepare the User PUSH BUTTON
  // USB to Serial (PC to uC)
  //while(!Serial.availableForWrite()); // 1.1.3
  //while (!Serial);                    // 1.1.5
  // 96 MHz very fast for first Serial print
  // Special SetUp ------------------------------------------------------------>
  /* Configure port pin */
// 6. SetUp - finish
// 7. Loop - start
void loop(void)
// 7. Loop - finish
Приведенная осциллограмма подтверждает корректную работу программы.

Для одновременной установки нескольких выводов (например, 4-х) достаточно изменить конфигурацию:
const gpio_cfg_t pin =

Возврат к оглавлению

Дата последнего изменения: 18.03.2024
