
ADS1262 прецизионный 32-битный дельта-сигма аналого-цифровой преобразователь с большим набором дополнительных функций для работы с различными датчиками:

  • 11 многофункциональных аналоговых входов, настраиваемых как
    5 дифференциальных, 10 одиночных, 8 GPIO входов

  • Сдвоенный согласованный программируемый  источник тока от 50 до 3000 мкА

  • Программируемый усилитель с низким уровнем шума с коэффициентом от 1 до 32 раз

  • Программируемая скорость опроса от 2,5 до 38400 образцов/с

  • Встроенный источник опорного напряжения 2,5 В (2 ppm/ºС)

  • Встроенный температурный датчик с точностью 0,5ºС

  • SPI-совместимый интерфейс (Mode 1)

  • Встроенный монитор неисправностей

  • Встроенный тестовый ЦАП

  • Температурный диапазон -40ºС - +125ºС

  • Диапазон питающего напряжения от 4,75 до 5,5 В

Внешний вид, назначение выводов, функциональная схема и схема подключения ADS1262 приведены ниже:




ADS1262 идеально подходит для прецизионных измерений постоянных и медленно меняющихся магнитных полей: встроенные программируемые источники тока для элементов Холла, программируемый малошумящий усилитель слабых сигналов, многочисленные фильтры, прецизионный АЦП. Поэтому в 2017 году была спроектирована и изготовлена прецизионная измерительная система, сравнимая по параметрам с эталонной системой от Texas Instruments.

Измерительная система тестировалась с HY-TinySTM103T, с MAX32620FTHR и с TEENSY4. Ниже приведены 10-секундные результаты измерения шума, соответствующие одному из графиков от Texas Instruments:


В 2021 году на китайских торговых площадках появились готовые модули с ADS1263 от компании ZONRI Technology LTD, отличительной особенностью которых является использование керамического резонатора для тактирования и однополярного входного питания.


В принципе, данный модуль обеспечивает хорошие параметры, имея ненамного более высокий уровень шума, чем эталонная система от Texas Instruments (используется импульсный стабилизатор для повышения напряжения). В связке с TEENSY4 он предоставляет возможность получить максимальную скорость опроса 38400 образцов в секунду, обладает небольшими размерами, что позволяет встраивать его в другие модули для дальнейшего использования.



Итоговая прецизионная измерительная магнитная система с различными дополнительными функциями представлена ниже.



ADS1262: SPI transfer speed

I have two questions about the SPI communication of the ADS1262.

1) I'm not able to sample at 38ksps, the SPI communication is too slow for that.
I'm running at 8 MHz clock which is the maximum for the ADC.
Receiving the 6 data bytes takes around 65 µs, because of that i can only sample at 15ksps max.
Any solutions for this?

2) Can I use a clock frequency higher than 8 MHz for the communication with other devices on the SPI bus?


Running the ADS1262 at a faster data rate indeed allows for less time to clock out the data. However, an 8 MHz clock should be fast enough to clock out 48 bits (~ 6 us) within the 38.4 kSP conversion period (~26 us). Do you have other digital delays that make the data read out take 65 us to complete?

Some recommendations I can offer:

If you don't need the 38.4kSPS data rate, I would strongly recommend using lower data rates on the ADS1262. The noise level at the fastest data rate is significantly higher than all of other data rates so your effective resolution will not be all that great at 38.4kSPS.

To reduce the time required to read data you could consider disabling the STATUS and CRC bytes so that you only need to read 32 or 40 bytes of data. Due to the increased noise at 38.4kSPS, chances are that the last data byte will be mostly noise, so you could also consider ignoring the last data byte and only reading 24-bits of data.
Do make use of the /DRDY pin to interrupt your microcontroller. If your microcontroller is busy with other tasks or is polling /DRDY than it may not respond quickly to retrieve the data in time. Using the /DRDY interrupt will help you service the data read operation faster.

Some microcontrollers will allow you to increase the SPI frame size. Using a larger frame may reduce the dead time between SPI byte transmissions and allow you to read the data a bit faster.

As much as possible, try to optimize your code so that the processor is not performing unnecessary operations during the read data operation, or make use of DMA to directly read the SPI data into memory without disturbing the processor.


Пример расчета шумовых характеристик ADS1262 (effective number of bits (ENOB) and noise-free bits) приведен ниже.



ADS1262: What does the ADS1262 require to achieve a 25-bit noise-free bit?


I am using the ADS1262 for high precision acquisition, the reference voltage is using the ADR4550, and the test signal source is using a 18650 lithium battery(4V) .
Using the highest 2.5SPS sin4 mode, the code noise is about 21~22-bit stable. If you switch directly to AVDD + AVSS, the data noise can be about 23~24bit.
When using the reference voltage, 1k+10uF is used for RC filtering to reduce the reference input noise. (The voltage drop caused by the 10K resistor is ignored for now.)
The signal is increased from 21~22bit to about 23bit. It shows that the reference voltage still contributes a lot to the code noise.
As seen in the datasheet, up to 25 bits can be achieved (Noise Free Bits). I want to know whether this parameter is conservative or theoretical. To achieve this performance, how low should the reference voltage noise and input noise be (? uVpp).
The reference layer only makes all-copper into the AGND and ensures that no current flows on it (except for the signal input capacitor filter current).
I want to get the nominal 25bit(The reading is noise-free), whether I can do it, I need to do those optimizations.


Achieving a system with 25-bit noise-free resolution is very difficult. The noise in the datasheet is reported with inputs shorted, which means the input voltage is 0 (VIN = 0V) and there is no reference noise being added to the system (because VIN = 0V). You can refer to the "ADC noise" videos in our TI Precision Labs training content to learn more about why these statements are true:
Once you actually start applying input signals, you will add noise to the system that will begin to degrade performance. This is unavoidable e.g. the 1k resistor in the reference path has a thermal noise of ~3-4nVRMS.
Also, effective resolution and noise-free bits (Table 8-2 in the ADS1262 datasheet) assume that the entire ADC full-scale range is being used. So if VREF = 5V, then the FSR for the ADS1262 is +/-VREF/gain, which in your case is +/-5V. If your input signal range is 0-4V, then you are using < half of the ADC's FSR, which means you are losing >1 bit of resolution simply by not using the ADC's entire FSR. You can refer to the link above for more information about this topic as well.
Therefore, given your system settings, it seems like you are getting the best possible performance if you can get 23-24 bits noise-free.

Please note that the ADC full-scale range (FSR) is +/-5V, assuming VREF = 5V and gain = 1. However, this refers to the differential input voltage, not the absolute input voltage. For example, if you set AINP = AIN0 = 5V and AINN = AIN1 = 0V, then the ADC will measure AINP-AINN = 5V. However, if you switch those voltages such that AINP = AIN0 = 0V and AINN = AIN1 = 5V, then the ADC will measure AINP - AINN = -5V. Note how both voltages in this case are  >= 0V i.e. they are not negative. Only the differential voltage is negative. So I don't think you need to add all of this circuitry to generate negative voltage using inverting op amps.

I would strongly encourage you to review the ADC noise information I linked to in my previous post. There seems to be a misunderstanding regarding what the ADC datasheet noise info actually represents.



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Дата последнего изменения: 16.01.2024